It's amazing how fast time flies. I can still remember celebrating 2010, and now it's already the 2011.
But my god how much the last year gave me!
I should make a list of all the things I've either 1.Accomplished 2.Was given 3.Experience and 4. Learned
It was a very truly rich year.

How I celebrated this new year was not quite so different from last years. I stayed home, I drank champagne, and enjoyed my family.
Only this year it was with my new family.
Phil and I arrived home from Shiqiao with my new GREEN SHOES! (Converse) and socks (desperately needed, I was matching a Stitch sock and a random grey one togetner :S).
The plan really was to go to another home and party the night away, but both Phil and I didn't really feel like it, plus coming back home from said house, even though it wasn't far by taxi, by the time we would be ready for home there would be NO and I repeat absolutely no means of transportation except foot.
So we watched...dundun! StarWars Episode 1. Where Quigon Gin and Obiwan show up.
We watched till 11:45, and then Phil's dad comes up and says we're going to do the countdown by the TV and open up a bottle of sparklies(aka.champagne) so that's what we did.
After me freaking out with "HAPPY NEW YEARS!!" and Phil shushing me, it got a bit cold being downstairs on the marble floor.
What I did was, there was the cork from the champagne, so I grabbed it, put it over the flame and drew myself a moustache.
So I'm there cracking up with my cork beard while everyone gives me the 'ok nina, that's nice', but still interested enough to see what I'll do next,so then I move to Ting Ting,and get her to laugh at me. Then surprisingly enough, Sam says 'Hey Nina, give me a Hitler 'stache' So that's what I did. Then I got Phil to join me.
And then Lou Lou (younger sister)
Then Phil's Dad got in on it as well, which was pretty cool. Louie gave him eyebrows then I added a pitchfork goatee. But no photos of him, because he won't allow such things.
Anyhow, once that died down, Phil and I went back to watching Star Wars till 3, and I thought oh man I need to get back home. So I walked back home, and that was my New Years. How was everyone else's?