So I've been commanded to make a few more blog posts about me....or something like that.
I've been pretty good.
Chinese New Years was on Feb 3rd, and we played Risk (my first time) and I won (they chalked it up to beginners luck)!
Phil and I went on a bike ride to DaFuShan last free-day, and it was a good exercise, and great fun. Biked up the mountain, and on the other side it had this huge lake with a lovely viewpoint/rest stop/pagoda so I had to stop and take pictures.
Phil's lovely posing (this will only be up for so long before i'm blackmailed into taking it down)
We're starting a 1000 puzzle piece, and so far it's pretty good. We found the puzzle in a little corner shop and guess how much it was? 8 Kuai. No joke.
With Chinese New Year Holiday going on it's been nice and a lot more relaxing then our normal schedule.
Phil has been taking great care of me, and even goes down to the 24 hour store to get me a coffee if I'm looking extra tired when taking the boys out for exercise.
I'll have to post all the pictures of our trip down to the fishing pool some other day since I'm going to do some school evaluation with Michelle very soon.
I don't really have much to say about me and how much stuff I'm doing if it can't have anything to do with the boys.
But I'm learning a lot. Schooling, childcare and handling.
Learning about how to take care of my stuff (lost my bus card that I had just recharged with 50 kuai, super sad).
learning about how to just go with life sometimes,and wait for the sun to come out.
Learning that patience is really key to so many doors.
Learning Chinese isn't really happening right now, but I'm picking up little phrases.
Learning to say no.
On to another topic, I think I've fallen in love with cats...or more specifically, kittens.
Curry has grown on me so much that I let her sleep on my bed with me at night, and when I take naps.
When I found that my friend here in Guangzhou also got 2 kittens, it was just like so much kitten luff that it beat my 'grew up with dogs' thing, and now I think cats are just so cute!
Dogs will always be funny and loyal and faithful,
but about kittens and cats have a firm hold on me. Especially the cats in China, they're always super small and lithe like, not like the cats in Japan that are overfed and lazy...hehe. Anyhow, there's my say on the matter.
Now I'm off to go look at school logs and discuss the boy's school pl
2/3/2011 06:58:54 am

yes! kittens are best!! when you grow up with them from when they are small, you love love love when they're bigger. Even when they do get fat and lazy. Love the place you went it, looks really serene! you're looking good too!

2/3/2011 08:16:09 am

Nice bike ride. That place is beautiful! Sweet Phil for caring for you. Cats are nice, but I'm not crazy about having their shit in the house and the mess it creates.


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