Last night we watched The Mist, because I was already halfway through with the Novella. It was sort of similar to Buried, only in the ending. This one however didn't hit me half as hard, if anything, I almost expected the ending. What I did enjoy was the fact that no matter how they butchered the novella of Stephan King, his sort of weird is always fascinating.
Maybe it's just because I'm a huge fan of book is better over movie. 
Ah well.
Super random note is how the soldier guy who gets mobbed reminds me of one of the Ito family....Lol

1/5/2011 06:54:11 pm

hm interesting, didn't see this one. We just watched 175 days - kills buried by 100% and is very emotional. Same director who did slum dog...should see

1/5/2011 08:39:57 pm

it's 175 hours yea? I actually never saw slum dog, lol. I know you guys loved that one, i remember something about max dancing around to the soundtrack of it...:P
Right now it's a huge Stephan King thing for me.
if it's Stephan King anything then it's either a must read, or a must watch.


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