Yea sorry for the constant switch around.
I'll be moving back to wordpress now that China has unblocked it. Hopefully it'll stay unblocked for a while.
back to randomgoods.wordpress.com
cya there!
It's the 2nd day of my 2 day vacation, and it's great.
I scored a find of 3 Puma knickers for 10 Kuai, a wallet for 25, and my first Big Mac.
And it was really good! I was really hungry since it was already 3:00 by the time we got to McDonalds.
And about the fireworks! They're so cool, and close, and loud!
It's the 4th day of Chinese New Years Holiday, and every night in a row they shoot off fireworks in a field close here. It's so nice! You get to hear the boom, and see the 'flowers' so close up! It's completely different from the fireworks in Japan.
I wish you guys could see them,
and so here's my attempt at sharing them with you :).

Guys....guess what.
I HAVE SUPAPLEX!!!!! and seriously no joke, i danced up and down on phil's couch when it was downloaded and I saw the soooo natsukashi game.
Ah, it brought back the good old days when we would wait our turns on the computer to waste HOURS on this game.
I can't believe I remembered how to get past the first maze.
I now have a new best time waster (game) on my computer, and if you don't have it yourself. GET IT!
Sure it's old and there are games with graphics good enough to wallop Supaplex, but you really can't get better then old classics.
I'm off for some hardcore Supaplex gaming now (lol).
So I've been commanded to make a few more blog posts about me....or something like that.
I've been pretty good.
Chinese New Years was on Feb 3rd, and we played Risk (my first time) and I won (they chalked it up to beginners luck)!
Phil and I went on a bike ride to DaFuShan last free-day, and it was a good exercise, and great fun. Biked up the mountain, and on the other side it had this huge lake with a lovely viewpoint/rest stop/pagoda so I had to stop and take pictures.
Phil's lovely posing (this will only be up for so long before i'm blackmailed into taking it down)
We're starting a 1000 puzzle piece, and so far it's pretty good. We found the puzzle in a little corner shop and guess how much it was? 8 Kuai. No joke.
With Chinese New Year Holiday going on it's been nice and a lot more relaxing then our normal schedule.
Phil has been taking great care of me, and even goes down to the 24 hour store to get me a coffee if I'm looking extra tired when taking the boys out for exercise.
I'll have to post all the pictures of our trip down to the fishing pool some other day since I'm going to do some school evaluation with Michelle very soon.
I don't really have much to say about me and how much stuff I'm doing if it can't have anything to do with the boys.
But I'm learning a lot. Schooling, childcare and handling.
Learning about how to take care of my stuff (lost my bus card that I had just recharged with 50 kuai, super sad).
learning about how to just go with life sometimes,and wait for the sun to come out.
Learning that patience is really key to so many doors.
Learning Chinese isn't really happening right now, but I'm picking up little phrases.
Learning to say no.
On to another topic, I think I've fallen in love with cats...or more specifically, kittens.
Curry has grown on me so much that I let her sleep on my bed with me at night, and when I take naps.
When I found that my friend here in Guangzhou also got 2 kittens, it was just like so much kitten luff that it beat my 'grew up with dogs' thing, and now I think cats are just so cute!
Dogs will always be funny and loyal and faithful,
but about kittens and cats have a firm hold on me. Especially the cats in China, they're always super small and lithe like, not like the cats in Japan that are overfed and lazy...hehe. Anyhow, there's my say on the matter.
Now I'm off to go look at school logs and discuss the boy's school pl
It's been pretty cool recently.
Watched two 3D movies in a week!
Tron was first, and I'm so glad I watched it! The 3D effects were great, the storyline wasn't too bad, and all the pretty lights made it very trippy.
There were a few things about the movie that were a bit sad, like how Sam was so flip about everything, how Tron wasn't really a part of the movie,rather a side-kick, who does a little changing of ways right before he dies. Blah blah blah.
After we watched Tron, Phil and I went to Saizers to eat lunch (yup! Saizeria has made it's way to China!)

Chronicles of Narnia was seen with the boys and Michelle.
It was a school outing (where Michelle works), and so we were able to tag along.
The boys enjoyed it immensely.
We did our school in a flash, got ready to go and had lunch before you could blink, and waited outside for the taxi. It got a little crazy, with all the tension of waiting for the movie.

The children at the school were so exited as well, and omg the ride to the theater (we took a limo bus because you can't move 30+ kids any other way.) was so loud! It was nice to get off.
Sorry I don't have enough time to write the whole experience, except that it was yummy! We got free popcorn and coke, and it was pretty funny. Course there's the whole sadness of the deviation from the book but oh well, I have given up on watching a movie that's relatively close to the book. Here's the pics
symbols and dreams and small prancing things
are what visited me last night
i saw angles and kings
and small prancing things
as the silver floated on light

adventures and quests and feathery beasts
were beckoning me further inside
the witches and priests,
and fantastic artistes
were the princes and queens in my  mind


For my free-day this week, we went to Yuexiu park.
It's where the famous goat statue of Guangzhou (goats are Guangzhou's symbol) is, and I thought it was nearly a crime to not have gone there once during my 5 months here in Guangzhou.
Phil said he never went to the park either (!) so it was set, and we headed out to town.
First we did some banking business (for my panda hat), and then recharged my phone( money goes out quick when you're texting), and we were off to the metro. We got a 'metro meal' a small,cheap and oh so tasty little lunchbox full of lotus root (renkon)tofu, mushrooms, carrots, and what we call fungus. YUMM!! It was like having Osekiryori.
Yuexiu was a few metro line transfers away, and then had a bit of a mix up with the exits, but we finally found the park gate.

The park was actually really big! We only managed to cover one half of the park in one day, and not only is it a big park, but it's also got some terrain!
I need to give the kids school in a few minutes so I'll let the pictures do the talking.
I think I'm actually getting Phil to be more photograph friendly! Miracles do happen!
We did some yoga by this monument, and shortly into a few asanas, two older women came along and started doing some tai-chi! I guess a few other people thought it was a nice place to do some slow exercises.
I cannot believe how out of shape I have gotten concerning yoga. All of my flexibility has been lost again. It's always like that. I get super into yoga, then get burnt out, lose all the flexibility that I've gained, then I get back into it again, and the cycle happens once more. :P
I think I'll put yoga aside for a while, and get into this hooping business. There's some pretty cool hooping going on out there!
ah I gotta go. the kids school time has begun.
I don't know if you remember which panda hat I'm talking about, it's the one where we went to the amusement park, and the picture was at the end of the slew of pics.
THIS panda hat :)
So recently it's been pretty cold. Def not as cold as Japan,but cold enough!
So Phil decided to find me a panda hat.
So he looks on Taobao and sees one for only 28 kuai!(that's 350 yen) And it's the exactly same hat that they try to sell for 100 (1,252 yen)plus!
Total score.
So went to the bank and paid for it, now it's just a matter of waiting for it to arrive! Whee I'm so excited!!!

I've got a new coat as well. Phil and Michelle got one for me yesterday. It's a turquoise down jacket that can roll up into a little bag and be used as a pillow. It is of the warm.
I'll put up pics once I catch myself wearing it, with a camera handy, then it's a couple of snaps then up here. :D
I remember my non new years resolution. HONEST!
it's just difficult to keep.
Yesterday, I was Sleeping Beauty and slept like the dead because I had a fever.
Now, after being on bed rest, and then walking to Phil's place for dinner, I feel as good as new and must honor my goal of trying to post a decent update everyday.
Just recently, I've been getting back into reading. Not so much back into as it's always been my thing, but I'd say actively devoting more time towards the written word.
I'm now going through 4 books at a time. :D
The Stand - the book nearly everyone recognizes Stephan King. On loan from a friend and avid Stephan King fan.

The Stand -
the book nearly everyone recognizes Stephan King. On loan from a friend and avid Stephan King fan.

The boy who came back from heaven - a true story about a boy's miraculous healing. A Christmas present from Daniel, Michelles dad.

Hearts in Atlantis - I'm actually not sure how to describe this one even if I'm halfway through...haha. A lonely boy with an estranged mother befriends a eccentric old man who loans a room from them, but when the old man's past and eccentric-ness catches up with him, the boy learns his secrets, and makes enemies? Oh well. I'll make a review about it when I'm done. - from the complete Stephan King e-book collection that Phil downloaded for me.

Skeleton Crew - actually this counts as a few more books, since it's a collection of Stephan King's short stories, or novellas. Halfway through 'The mist'. -from the complete Stephan King e-book collection that Phil downloaded for me.
I am a serious Stephan King fan.


So as not to bore you guys to death with what I've been reading, moving on!
There's a great tv show you guys have got to see, it's simply genius.
It's called 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' and it's all about stand up comedy. They have these 4 guys, and everything is done on the spot.
It's an older show, and they've stopped ages ago, it's still GOLD.
They have all sorts of things they need to think of. They make songs, have 'dating shows', talking only with song titles, you name it. It's really good.
Serious, at least watch one of them.
Anyhow I must sleep or I wont hear the end of it, and I don't fancy being sickly a moment longer.
Goodnight all

Because...I did 100 push-ups today.
in sets of 20.HAHA! But seriously, it was so cool.

And for any of you who were wondering about me doing the hula hoop...it is not a lie!