Because...I did 100 push-ups today.
in sets of 20.HAHA! But seriously, it was so cool.

And for any of you who were wondering about me doing the hula hoop...it is not a lie!

Today is the beginning of another school period, until Chinese New Years where we will have maybe 2 whole weeks without school!
Anyhow that's off the topic. Today while I was giving Broderick Math, and prepping Ryan for an upcoming spelling test, Broderick looks out the window and declares loudly "THE CAT IS BACK AGAIN!"
Apparently there was a cat he was keeping an eye out for in order to feed her.
He nearly leaped out of his seat, and after a reminder to ask to be excused, and doing so, he shot off to Mommy's room.
She gave the green light that after he finished his school he can go out and feed the cat, and he was off with Bella's dog food (love how earnest he gets sometimes).
He finished school lightning fast, and was bundled up as soon as you could count to 60.
A few minutes later, out of the corner of my eye I saw a bundled Broderick zipping by so quick after a patch of orange.
Soon after that he was hollering excitedly that "I CAUGHT THE CAT!"
There was so much triumph in the way he held the cat, and the cat looked placidly content in his arms.
She was named Curry, and allowed to sniff out the house and make her way around. Broderick ran to Michelle to ask if they could keep Curry (he kept getting mixed up calling her Milo and Curry). Michelle said the classic 'if your dad says yes we can' so he was off again. Big Phil said we could keep her for a while.
There was much rejoicing.
Once school was done, lunch was eaten and their chores done. It was some intense playing with Curry time.
Broderick had the idea of introducing Curry to Bella, and Bella got a punch on the nose.
And that was the excitingness that was getting Curry.

On a different Topic.

Recently it's been pretty active on the exercise front. Have played basketball again, and managed to shoot a few hoops, played badminton and received praise from my Phil (which is pretty good, because he's actually really good) and today I did...dundun! 60 push-ups in sets of 10. Yea pretty proud of myself there.
Then I did some hoola hoop, while listening to music, and even though it's not anything really intense exercise wise, it was enough to keep me warm in my jogging jacket and T-shirt underneath.
Yay. Happy Nina.

As I type I'm sipping a chamomile and honey tea while the curtains the boys helped me pull down are in the wash.
Merry Christmas Eve you guys!
A recap of yesterday for you, and a few other things, and then I'm off to help with Christmas Eve cooking.

Yesterday's Visa trip went smoothly, minus the fact that the limo bus that goes to and from HK was BOOKED OUT, so I took the train back to Guangzhou after securing my new visa.
Last note about visa's. Phil found a place here in Guangzhou that will extend your visa for you, no trips out of china, and SOO MUCH cheaper. God is good.

On the exercise front, hahaha, I got in a 45 min yoga exercise "Bryan Kest Power Yoga" and now my shoulders are all kinds of sore! I was surprised and really disappointed at how weak I had gotten. In the very beginning of the exercise, they ask you to hold Chataranga pose for maybe just 1 min....probably less, and I was seriously DYING. And all i could think of was "Meg, that push up idea is so on!" After a few downward dogs, and then it was ok, it was just the first part that I had to push myself.
Right after the yoga, i had a nice nap on my mat while Phil thought of a lovely surprise. Outside barbecue for dinner! So after pulling myself off my mat (amazing how comfortable it gets on a sheet of rubber :P) and putting on my jacket, we headed out for the regular outside barbecue places.
I had oyster for the first time in my life, and it was soo yummy! I had no idea.
Then after getting the stuff I needed for my trip to HK, Phil and I watched Ip Man. A movie/biography of Jet Lee's teacher. It was pretty cool.
Catch you guys later, and I will tell you so then I will have to.
I'm going to look into how to put in pictures on here without having to break a paragraph for every photo. It's just a bit of CSS so it won't be too difficult.
Alright that's it.  Have a good Cmas Eve, and I hope it's as yummy as ours.
Yes I did! And it was lovely. I skipped 1000 times in 6:35 ......without the rope LOL!
My god, my arms have gotten so weak that by 300 they're reeally tired. Man what happened to those good old Tae-bo days when I would use my resistance bands WITH the weights inside. Sigh. Much has changed since then.
On to a happier thought though, I have now proved to myself that it is indeed capable, now I've just got to get the body moving....
Another resolution I've decided on, I'm going to start doing yoga everyday, come hell or high waters. I won't be doing hours long sessions, far far from, but more along the 20-30 mins area, but hey, every bit counts. :D
On to a more yummy topic, I made cornbread!
I don't know about you, or if you've ever read 'Little House On the Prairie" but I've always wanted to taste it, it sounds so good when it's being described. I had the opportunity, when Michelle told me that we had cornmeal and wanted me to use it (YES!)
So cornbread was made.
and it was yum.
The end.
Ahhhh boy. Maybe I set my sights too high, or I don't really push myself, or my headache was more pounding then my feet, but man! I was aiming for a 1,000 skips with my skip rope, and ended with only 400 in 3:10.
Next time, I’m going to try doing just high knees. without a skip rope, we’ll see how that goes.